
Step 1
Asa base, we will use this photograph I took. It's not the greatestphoto, but we can use it to define the basic shapes. The advantage ofthis photo is the fact that it was taken with wide-lens camera, and theperspective is nicely visible. When we talk about icons, perspective isvery often VERY excessive, so this is perfect.

Step 2
Sofirstly, cut the helmet out of its background. You can do this usingthe Pen Tool, or your favorite way of extracting images. Then copy thisphoto into a new photoshop document and resize the image to fit theicons dimension — probably 128x128 px. You can use, for example, a newlayer sized 128x128, which will help you to be more accurate. Or youcan, of course, use document sized 128x128 px, but I like to have morespace for drawing.

Step 3
Selectthe Pen Tool and step-by-step trace each part of the helmet. We beginwith the visor area. Don´t worry about the color, it's the shape that'simportant. For better accuracy, it's good to decrease the layer´svisibility (Opacity). Simply press the numlock key corresponding to thepercentage opacity you want &mdash for example, 5 for 50% Opacity.When tracing, be sure to draw as a Shape Layer (first icon on theOptions bar), so you can modify this layer in the future.
Notethat because we're just tracing the visor, it doesn't matter that therest isn't accurate around the helmet shape (we'll do that in the nextsteps).

Step 4
Createthe second part of the "peak" by copying the previous layer (Ctrl + J)and move the selected points upward with the Direct Selection Tool (A).

Step 1
Asa base, we will use this photograph I took. It's not the greatestphoto, but we can use it to define the basic shapes. The advantage ofthis photo is the fact that it was taken with wide-lens camera, and theperspective is nicely visible. When we talk about icons, perspective isvery often VERY excessive, so this is perfect.

Step 2
Sofirstly, cut the helmet out of its background. You can do this usingthe Pen Tool, or your favorite way of extracting images. Then copy thisphoto into a new photoshop document and resize the image to fit theicons dimension — probably 128x128 px. You can use, for example, a newlayer sized 128x128, which will help you to be more accurate. Or youcan, of course, use document sized 128x128 px, but I like to have morespace for drawing.

Step 3
Selectthe Pen Tool and step-by-step trace each part of the helmet. We beginwith the visor area. Don´t worry about the color, it's the shape that'simportant. For better accuracy, it's good to decrease the layer´svisibility (Opacity). Simply press the numlock key corresponding to thepercentage opacity you want &mdash for example, 5 for 50% Opacity.When tracing, be sure to draw as a Shape Layer (first icon on theOptions bar), so you can modify this layer in the future.
Notethat because we're just tracing the visor, it doesn't matter that therest isn't accurate around the helmet shape (we'll do that in the nextsteps).

Step 4
Createthe second part of the "peak" by copying the previous layer (Ctrl + J)and move the selected points upward with the Direct Selection Tool (A).